Thursday, June 28, 2007

Argument 2 against toll roads

Another argument against putting tolls on the interstate is that it will increase the price of goods shipped in Pennsylvania.

You betcha!

And if those interstate roads did not exist, those goods would be even more expensive of non-existent. So if the argument is that it will increase the cost of goods, should we do even more to subsidize trucking companies? The answer of course is no, so why do we stand for subsidizing them with the interstate highway system in the first place?

Privatizing the interstates and allowing the owners to collect tolls is the best way to incorporate the free market into highway maintenance. They will easily become self-sufficient as demonstrated in other states and they will no longer be the bastions of wasteful spending, neglect, and patronage that PennDOT and the Turnpike Commission are now. It will also take a huge chunk out of the state budget.

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