Friday, October 19, 2007

Armenian Genocide Resolution - part III

Pelosi's Armenian gambit

And, of course, leave it to Krauthammer to cut through the issue, lay it out clearly, and make the points that everyone needs to know to understand this issue.

He also clearly points out how quite a few members of Congress not only have a tin ear but are astoundingly clueless when it comes to grasping not only current U.S. foreign policy, but also history and the entire purpose of even having a foreign policy. Remember these people make decisions about how billions of our money gets shipped abroad to despot A or to insurgent B who may one day become despot B.

Do we really think the U.S Congress is capable of handling any critical thinking in intricate matters like this when most seem to base their opinions solely on what their constituents say in opinion polls? That, by the way, is the answer to the third question. Pelosi was pandering for donations and to pass some "feel-good" legislation. She probably figured the controversy would give her more publicity and make her seem tough.

All it proves is how badly she and most of Congress on both sides of the aisle do not understand foreign policy. This also once again clearly demonstrates why the U.S. really should be out of these types of regional struggles on the other side of the planet altogether. Congress of course doesn't care since it is not their money and foreign policy is just another issue to generate talking points for the next campaign.

As we now know, the Democrats have no intention of pulling out of Iraq even if they take the White House. This is because their feigned opposition to the war was solely for the purpose of increasing their numbers in Congress in 2006. At least some of the more strident anti-war dems have figured out that they have been sold out. The rest of them will return to the sheep fold as it is explained why a 180 degree turn isn't really that dramatic and was actually the right thing all along. War is peace.

"Harmlessly passing your time in the grassland away..."

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