Friday, August 3, 2007

Pinkerton's tongue in cheek on Iraq

Pinkerton: Where's Saddam when you need him?
A good piece although it has some of the history wrong (or at least mischaracterizes a few things). It does, however, effectively state some things that should be obvious to everyone but isn't:
  • Our war with Iraq has made Iran's position relatively stronger in the region.
  • Any success of the American military will only be temporary and will never result in a political solution
  • No Iraqi government will be viewed as legitimate by the Iraqis until we are gone (at which time the country will degenerate into chaos)
  • A country like Iraq, with its underlying ethnic, political, and religious tensions, can only be held together by a ruthless military strongman like Saddam Hussein
It's time for us to stop compounding our previous mistakes in the Middle East by making even bigger ones. It's time to end our "entangling alliances" in the region and the rest of the world. The oil will get pumped out of the ground one way or another no matter who is in charge over there. We will just need to write a different name on the check.

Don't waste your breath telling me we are there to fight terrorism.

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