Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Why I no longer will tow the party line

I love being shouted down by republicans who insist that those of us who believe in limited government should always vote republican no matter what because, supposedly, that is the only way to keep government small. Their argument is that even though the current republican leadership does not necessarily display these characteristics, it is better than the democrats. Also, we are told, politics is all about compromise, and we cannot always have it "our way."

My response is that when the GOP is in charge of both the executive and legislative branches of government, they spend money and expand government FASTER than the democrats. Witness the Ridge administration and the Bush Administration. For example, conservatives have called for the abolition of the Department of Education for years and the GOP promised they would carry that out when they got in. Under Bush it has blossomed in size and become more intrusive than it ever was under any Democratic president or Congress.

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