Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Clueless Casey

Casey says Pa. facing urgent business challenges

Often, politicians decry things that they know they cannot change.

Often, politicians support legislation that they know will never pass for the sake of looking like they are doing something.

Often, politicians pass legislation that appears to do something, but in actuality accomplishes nothing.

Sometimes, politicians start speaking about complex issues that they do not understand and make it very clear that they are utterly unqualified for their positions. Witness the statements of Bob Casey in this article.

I have always thought the man sounded rather slow-witted, but I figured that was just his style. His old man seemed to be pretty sharp, but I was perhaps a little less critical of politicians back in the day. I am now convinced that Casey is a full-fledged incompetent at being a U.S. Senator. Sure he won the race for the Senate and is likely in their for years, but he is unfortunately a complete lightweight.

A U.S. Senator who has completely failed to understand the basics of U.S. monetary policy and the consequences of what he is saying is just an absolute embarrassment to the state and the country. Fortunately his rhetorical style is slightly less enthusiastic than a Ben Stein's professor character, so he will likely be ignored by everyone including the sleeping members of the audience.

I'll save the analysis for tomorrow.

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