Friday, November 9, 2007

GOP keeps promoting clueless as qualified

Fred Thompson's stunning error

Romney may flip-flop, but at least he has enough understanding of both sides of the issue to intelligently talk about his position - whatever it happens to be at the time. We already know Thompson has no work ethic. Now he shows he has no understanding of his own party's platform or what his own position on abortion actually means. I could care less about the abortion issue, but this guy has millions of social conservatives thinking he is an incarnation of Reagan (who was also a flip-flopper). Reagan could at least pretend to be pro-life effectively. Thompson just keeps showing he isn't even township supervisor material.

Think about it this way. If he can't extemporaneously answer a basic question that has dominated American politics for 35 years - a question that he should have known was coming and about which he has probably been coached hundreds of times - what hope to we have for this guy making any intelligent decisions about any other issues that he may face? Especially ones that are a little more complicated than the abortion issue.

Is a vote for Rudy a vote for war?

Rudy once again demonstrating that he has no idea about anything regarding foreign policy. "Show you support the military" his advisers tell him. "I know, I'll call for the expansion of NATO to India!" Brilliant. He also wants to include Japan, with whom we already have a treaty, even though Japan's constitution prevents it from having military forces operating outside of its own defense. That is kind of the antithesis of what NATO is about. Again, absolutely brilliant.

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