Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Pet Peeve

I am frequently held up in line at convenience stores by smokers who absolutely must have a particular brand of cigarettes in a particular type of package. Everyone seems to smoke something obscure which is almost never available. This happened to me once again today. The delay is really brief, but still annoying.

The question on my mind though, having just seen "Thank you for Smoking", is why the hell anyone in this country still smokes? We've been told for at least the last 50 years that it will kill us in school, on warning labels, and even by Yule Brenner on TV in the 80s after he died a horrible death.

You, the smoker, have now been taxed to death so that a pack now costs what a carton did in the 70s. It costs you a fortune every year and makes your clothes and breath stink. No one is impressed by the fact that you smoke. Your main goal upon entering any new building is figuring out where you can find an ashtray. You are now being put upon to not smoke anywhere except at home underneath a blanket with the lights turned out and still you want to fight to keep smoking. You have kids now and you want to make sure they can't breathe it in so you hide outside to smoke. Why? Because you know it's killing you.

So the question is, why do you keep smoking. Is it really like a heroine addiction? Is it really that tough to quit? Do you really lack that much will power? Can it really be that enjoyable?

Every time I see a smoker I can only think of someone paying to have their hand slammed repeatedly in a car door. I cannot see the logic in any of it.

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