Friday, September 7, 2007

The Cult of Global Warming

Have you ever noticed how Al Gore and the cult of Global Warming resemble a lot of other cults from our recent past. Remember the Bagwan Shree Rajneesh? He encouraged all of his followers to give up their belongings in order to achieve peace and enlightenment. He then used their belongings to purchase and travel around in several Rolls Royces.

So now we see Gore proclaiming the message of Global Warming encouraging all of us to achieve peace and happiness by abandoning our greedy and consumptive ways as he darts between his three giant houses in a Gulf Stream. It's hard for me not see the parallels.

Add to the is the overriding need for the members of the cult to threaten, belittle, and shout down anyone who dares to defy the orthodox opinion that everyone already agrees that Global Warming is definite and that it is definitely causes primarily by human activity and you have all the makings of a loyal cult following.

I still have to do a little more investigation of the matter, but I have read and seen that the so-called "Global Warming" statistics and facts all stop around the late 1990s, because the meteorological data shows a slight cooling trend.

By the way, what happened to the massive hurricane season were we supposed to have the last several years? Is the theory wrong? No. The great thing about the cult of Global Warming is that if any prediction about the weather is wrong, it is because Global Warming has so radically changed the environment that even predictions about the effects of Global Warming are no longer accurate! Pure sophistry. Unfortunately a cult based on a sophistry that has government funding and a brainwashed following can change the world.

The times is soon!

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