Thursday, September 6, 2007

Senator Craig - part III

Ann Coulter

An good article from Ann Coulter describing in more depth the hypocrisy of the left on calling Senator Craig a hypocrite.

One of the more poignant quotes is Chris Matthews referring to Senator Craig as a "sexual deviant". Apparently being gay is a deviant sexual practice, but only if you're registered as a republican.

I'm still amazed that pleading guilty a misdemeanor - one step above a traffic ticket - is enough to be condemned for the rest of your life from ever showing your face in public again. The guy obviously has issues, but it is so amazing to watch republicans and democrats pile on to make the guy's life as horrible as possible.

If he were a democrat, we would be asked to leave his private life out of the public eye like we were asked to do with Clinton or some other such nonsense about showing tolerance. Sorry, Charlie, you in the wrong party to have anyone show you any respect or tolerance or to stay out of your private life. After all, you pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor!

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