Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Health Care in Canada

Stronach went to U.S. for cancer treatment: report

Stronach is a Canadian MP.

This is of course a tragedy, but proves the point that if you want good health care, you have to come to the United States. Why? Because where there is profit involved, there is a need to compete to be the best. In countries with socialized medicine like Canada and Britain, the lack of profit and motivation on the part of health care providers means consistent and slow mediocrity. You need only talk to someone who lives in such a system to realize how utterly horrendous socialized medicine is for those who have to use it.

Actually, from what I have been reading, the best places in the world right now to get good, affordable medical care are in southeast Asia and parts of Latin America. This is because it is still the "Wild West" there in terms of government interference in health care. Regulations are few so doctors can charge less and still do well. In the western world, your doctor bill is almost more a reflection of HIPAA, malpractice insurance, and other regulations than it is of the actual medical care.

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