Friday, January 4, 2008


Noonan on Iowa

A lot of pundits are gushing on and on about Obama and how Clinton is done. Having spent the 16 years reviling Clinton and everything she stands for, I can tell you that I would much rather have her as President than Obama or Edwards. I may even vote for Clinton if one of the scarier candidates becomes the GOP nominee. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

Here is the scarier part. This is how Obama is winning. The quote is from the article and the italics sounds like the BS I heard on TV last night coming out of several camps not just Obama's

"He did it with a classy campaign, an unruffled manner, and an appeal on the stump that said every day, through the lines: Look at who I am and see me, the change that you desire is right here, move on with me and we will bring it forward together."

What the hell does that mean? Bring the country together, solve the nations problems, move forward? That God the term "proactive" has finally left the quiver of BS terms.

One can only conclude that this is nothing more than a personality contest. Leader, proven, experience, etc. Then they ask us to look at their record by very selectively choosing facts. Then when the opponents bring out the parts of the record they don't want us to know about it is called "negative" advertising. Except in Huckabee's case.

He not attacking anyone's record, he is going straight for attacking their religion. And it's working. Or at least it worked in Iowa. And that is what makes this whole process truly frightening. It is nothing more than a High School presidential campaign. Even the empty rhetoric about the issues is gone. Now it's: Jesus and the Devil were brothers under his religion. "We're going to move the country forward, not backward, sideways, not forward, and always twirling...twirling...twirling."

The Simpsons seem to have the best understanding of American politics. It's too bad the average voter doesn't. The episode with the Bear and the Bear Tax comes to mind as well. "Are these morons getting dumber or just louder?"

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