Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Stimulus Package

So why, if everyone out there seems to agree that the bi-partisan "stimulus package" is basically a phony one-time giveaway gimmick for the election season is there no objection to it. Why? Because the money is going to us.

It is also interesting that the op-ed writers who consistently state that cutting taxes to stimulate growth is an outdated, unsound, discredited, and naive economic theory seem to have no problem with this giveaway, which is being touted as a tax rebate, but is really going to anyone below a certain income level. If giving people money cures all economic woes, why not just cut a check to every American for $50,000?

The truth is that buying things from China does not make us richer. It may improve our lives a bit, but all this giveaway will do is send more money abroad or perhaps make one month's mortgage payment and that is about it. Then, after a month, we are all a little more in debt with nothing to show.

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